
Operation Storm Anniversary Jointly Marked by the Initiatives in Serbia and Croatia

Last weekend, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Croatia jointly marked the anniversary of the crime against civilian population committed in the course of the Storm Operation in August of 1995.


YIHR Activists Visited Jasenovac memorial Site

A group of YIHR activists from Serbia have completed a memorial tour of marking the Storm Operation in places where crimes were committed by a visit to the Jasenovac Memorial Site, that is, a site of the ‘Ciglana’ concentration camp ran by Ustashe during the rule of Independent State of Croatia in the Second World War.


Croats, Serbs Come Together to Remember “Storm” Victims

Marked by the Croatian state as a resounding military success, some young Croats and Serbs come together to remember the victims of the 1995 Operation Storm.


Protest against the Murder of LGBT Activist in front of the Russian Embassy in Belgrade

Grupa organizacija civilnog društva i boraca za ljudska prava protestovala je ispred zgrade ambasade Rusije, zbog nerazjašnjenog ubistva ruske aktivistkinje Jelene Grigorijeve, a njihovi zahtevi su upućeni ruskim vlastima da nađu i kazne počinioce.
