
Request to the government of the republic of Serbia with regard to the elimination od shortcomings in the drafting of the law on free access to information of public importance

The Coalition for Access to Justice hereby requests from the Government of the Republic of Serbia to remove without delay the shortcomings in its work on amending the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance (hereinafter referred to as: LFAIPI), by ensuring that the work on drafting of the Law will be taken over by the competent Ministry for Human Rights alongside equal participation of experts, media representatives, associations and others, in accordance with the Law on the Planning System.

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Minister Đorđević Sweeps the Dark Side of the Serbian History under the Carpet

Minister Zoran Đorđević said today that “No one has ever been deported from Serbia by Serbs, let alone imprisoned and killed for being different, and this is not even in our political tradition,” during the commemoration of the victims of Jajinci during World War II.

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Minister Stefanović is preparing us for war, not peace

Minister Stefanović’s assessment that there ’weren’t any incidents’ nor disturbing of the public peace and order in Borča on Saturday, April 27th is scandalous. Yet again, Stefanović has issued orders to the police to act in the interests of the politics promoted, not the laws they are obliged to protect and respect.

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Government to Decide Whether It is to Sacrifice Peace because of Šešelj

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights demands that the National Assembly of Serbia finally establish the termination of Vojislav Šešelj’s MP status.

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Media Release: Carry Šešelj Out

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights strongly condemns today’s attacks of the Serbian Radical Party’s MPs on Aleksandra Jerkov, Democratic Party MP because of her calling for termination of Vojislav Šešelj’s term as MP.

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